
8 Healthiest Drinks Besides Water for Daily Sipping

Staying properly hydrated is crucial for our health and wellbeing. While water is the best go-to beverage, it can get boring always drinking plain H2O. Luckily, there are many other nutritious and delicious drinks you can enjoy throughout the day.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of hydration, debunk some common myths about healthy beverages, provide detailed overviews of the healthiest drink options, and give tips for incorporating these drinks into your daily diet. Read on to learn how to stay hydrated in the tastiest way possible!

Why Proper Hydration Matters

Before diving into the list of healthy drinks, let’s look at why hydration is so important in the first place.

Water makes up about 60% of our body weight. It is needed for practically every bodily function. Getting adequate fluids ensures that your cardiovascular system functions properly, your joints stay lubricated, and your body can regulate its temperature. Dehydration can negatively impact your cognition, mood, digestion, skin health, and immunity.

The recommended daily fluid intake is around 15.5 cups for men and 11.5 cups for women. Of course, your needs may vary based on your activity levels, climate, health conditions, etc. A good rule of thumb is that your urine should be a light pale yellow color – darker shades often indicate the need to boost your hydration.

Now that we’ve established the significance of hydration, let’s explore some of the tastier ways to meet your fluid needs.

Debunking Myths About Healthy Beverages

Before we dive into the list of suggested drinks, it’s important to clear up some common misconceptions about supposedly “healthy” beverages.

For example, many people think that fruit juices must be nutritious since they come from fruits. However, juicing strips away the beneficial fiber content. The fructose sugar in juice can spike blood sugar when consumed in excess. The same goes for smoothies – they still contain a lot of naturally occurring sugars. For optimal health, it’s best to limit fruit juice or smoothie intake to one small glass per day.

Another misconception is that sports drinks like Gatorade are good for everyone. They do serve a purpose for serious athletes who need help replenishing electrolytes and carbs. But for average folks, the extra calories, sugars, and artificial ingredients aren’t necessary.

When searching for healthy beverages, it’s essential to read labels carefully and avoid drinks with lots of added sugars, preservatives, or other artificial additives. Opt for unsweetened varieties whenever possible. With the surge in consumer demand, there are now many delicious natural, low-sugar options available.

An Overview of Nutrient-Packed Drink Options

Now let’s explore some of the healthiest drinks you can incorporate into your diet and why they deserve a coveted spot in your glass.

1. Green Tea

Known for its virtue for thousands of years in Eastern medicine, green tea is chock-full of antioxidants called catechins that can boost metabolism and heart health. The small amounts of caffeine provide a gentle energizing effect without the jitteriness of coffee. Drink it first thing in the morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up. Just be sure not to steep it too long, as the high antioxidant content can become bitter.

2. Herbal Tea

Going caffeine-free? There are countless flavorful herbal tea options beyond just chamomile. Peppermint tea aids digestion, ginger tea reduces nausea, and hibiscus offers a tangy berry-like flavor with plenty of Vitamin C. Explore floral and fruity blends for a relaxing treat any time of day. Most commercial brands contain no calories or sugar. For best results, brew loose leaf instead of tea bags.

3. Coconut Water

Straight out of a freshly hacked coconut, this drink is naturally full of electrolytes like potassium and magnesium. It has become widely available in convenient cartons. The potassium content rivals that of a banana, making it a great choice after a sweaty workout to restore fluids and minerals lost through exertion. It contains way less sugar than traditional sports drinks. Just check the label to avoid added sugars.

4. Fresh Vegetable Juice

Juicing veggies allows you to consume a concentrated dose of nutrients. Combinations like beet, carrot, spinach or kale pack a nutrient-dense punch. Compared to fruit juices, veggie versions are lower in sugar and higher in vitamins A, C, and K. Mix in some ginger or lemon to enhance the flavor. While fiber is lost in the juicing process, you still get an influx of antioxidants and minerals. To get the benefits of both, alternate between smoothies and juices.

5. Kefir

This fermented milk drink has up to 50 strains of gut-healthy probiotics. With its creamy, drinkable yogurt-like taste, kefir makes for a tasty protein-packed start to the day. Blend it into smoothies or shake it up into salad dressings. It contains less lactose than regular milk, making it easier to digest for those with sensitivities. If dairy doesn’t agree with you, try non-dairy milk versions like coconut or almond kefir.

6. Nut Milks

Speaking of nut milks, these plant-based options have exploded in popularity as an alternative to dairy. Almond milk, cashew milk, walnut milk, and more provide great nutrition including protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Try making your own by blending nuts with water, or purchase unsweetened varieties without carrageenan or other additives. Nut milks make delicious and creamy additions to smoothies, oatmeal, or coffee drinks.

7. Fruit and Veggie Smoothies

Blend up your fruits and veggies for a nutrient boost in drinkable form. You can pack a lot of produce into a single smoothie, making it an easy way to meet your daily needs. Rotate different ingredient combinations like spinach with banana, berries with Greek yogurt, or pineapple with kale. Include seeds, nut butters, oats, or protein powder to make them balanced mini-meals. Limit fruit juice and added sweeteners.

8. Flavored Sparkling Water

An unsweetened carbonated beverage can satisfy a soda craving without the downsides like weight gain, blood sugar spikes, and artificial ingredients. Sparkling mineral water provides hydration with a bonus tangy sensation. To add natural flavor, try squeezing in citrus fruits, muddling in fresh herbs, or blending in cut fruit. You can also create custom infusions with fruit slices or cucumber overnight in the fridge.

Choosing the Right Drinks for You

Now that you know about the top healthy drink options, how do you decide which ones to incorporate into your diet? Here are a few factors to consider:

Health Goals – Are you trying to lose weight, reduce inflammation, improve energy levels, boost immunity? Some drinks target certain goals more than others. For example, kefir provides probiotics for gut health.

Dietary Needs – Do you follow a vegan, keto, paleo, low-FODMAP, or other restrictive diet? Be sure to choose compliant drinks without any ingredients you aim to avoid.

Ingredients – Carefully read nutrition labels and ingredients lists. Avoid anything with excessive added sugars, syrups, or artificial additives.

Taste Preferences – While you want to choose the healthiest options, you’ll drink more if you actually enjoy the flavors! Pick types you find palatable or get creative with recipes and mix-ins.

Incorporating Healthy Drinks into Your Routine

Once you’ve got your new go-to healthy beverages picked out, it’s time to make a plan for working them into your regular diet and lifestyle. Here are some tips:

Set a Daily Goal – Determine how much total fluid you need each day and come up with a schedule to help you meet your goal through a mix of water, tea, etc. Consider getting a reusable water bottle to encourage intake.

Time it Right – Drink most of your fluids outside of mealtimes so it doesn’t interfere with digestion. Some are best first thing in the morning (green tea), pre-workout (coconut water), or before bed (herbal tea).

Keep it Interesting – Get creative with unique flavor combos, infusions, smoothie recipes, and more so you look forward to your next healthy drink. Rotate your options instead of just drinking the same thing daily.

Make it Convenient– Keep ready-to-drink options easily available at home, work, or on the go. Brew up a batch of iced tea or whip up smoothies ahead of time so healthy hydration is always within reach.

Track Progress – Monitor your urine color, energy levels, skin hydration and other indicators to see if you need to adjust your fluid intake up or down.

Staying Hydrated Has Never Been So Easy (or Tasty)!

Water provides the foundation for good hydration, but it doesn’t have to be your only healthy beverage choice. Expand your horizons by sipping green tea, fruity herbal infusions, kefir smoothies, and more throughout the day.

Focus on unsweetened varieties free of artificial additives and added sugars. Read labels carefully and choose options tailored to your personal health goals and dietary needs. Make it fun by playing with new drink recipes and mix-in options.

Staying hydrated provides too many benefits to ignore. Drinking enough fluids and electrolytes is linked to improved cognition, mood, skin health, digestion, weight management, and beyond! By exploring more delicious ways to hydrate with nutritional drinks, you can give your body the fluids it craves while boosting overall health.

So grab your favorite reusable bottle and start sipping your way to refreshed, nourished, hydrated bliss! Which tasty drink will you try next? Let us know in the comments below your go-to beverages for staying hydrated in healthy style.

Frequently Asked Questions About Healthy Drinks

What are some quick tips for getting more fluids?

Here are a few easy ways to increase your daily fluid intake:

  • Carry a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day and refill frequently. Drink a full glass first thing when you wake up and between each meal.

  • Set a daily hydration goal (in ounces or liters) and track your intake. Apps like WaterMinder can help.

  • Infuse your water with sliced fruit, cucumbers, or herbs to add flavor that encourages you to drink more.

  • Alternate between water, unsweetened tea, vegetable juices, and other healthy fluids instead of only drinking plain water.

  • Eat hydrating foods like fruits, veggies, yogurt, soups, etc which have high water content.

Is it okay to drink coffee and tea if I'm trying to stay hydrated?

Yes, caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea can contribute to your daily hydration needs. However, their diuretic effects mean they don't hydrate quite as effectively as plain water. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Limit intake to 1-2 cups of coffee or 2-3 cups of tea per day. Too much caffeine can be dehydrating.

  • For every cup of a caffeinated drink, also drink a cup of non-caffeinated fluid like herbal tea or lemon water.

  • Avoid adding cream and sugar, which reduces the hydration capacity.

  • Drink your coffee/tea alongside a meal or snack to mitigate effects on absorption and excretion.

  • Switch to decaf varieties in the late afternoon/evening so the caffeine does not disrupt sleep.

How can I get my kids to drink more healthy fluids?

It can be challenging getting children to drink plain old water. Here are some kid-friendly tips:

  • Serve water in their favorite reusable bottles or cups. Let them decorate bottles with stickers.

  • Turn water into “flavored water” by adding sliced fruit, cucumber, mint, etc. Try making fruit ice cubes too.

  • Allow 1 small glass of 100% fruit juice diluted with water or sparkling water. Avoid juice drinks with added sugar.

  • Make smoothies with frozen fruit, milk/yogurt, and spinach or kale. Use minimal amounts of fruit juice for sweetness.

  • Offer a choice between water and unsweetened options like almond milk, diluted coconut water, or freshly blended vegetable juice.

  • Infuse water with edible flower petals or let kids add edible glitter or colorful fruit slices.

  • Set timed reminders to take a “water break” and make hydration fun with contests tracking ounces consumed.

What drinks are best after an intense workout?

The ideal post-workout hydration drink depends on the duration and intensity of exercise:

  • For moderate exercise under an hour, water is generally fine for rehydration. Add an electrolyte tablet or powder if desired.

  • After endurance or high-intensity training lasting over an hour, coconut water or an electrolyte sports drink can help replenish sodium and potassium lost in sweat.

  • Chocolate milk has a great carb to protein ratio for recovery. The protein helps rebuild muscles while carbs replenish glycogen stores.

  • For a natural protein boost, blend almond milk, banana, peanut butter, and cocoa powder.

  • Tart cherry juice has anti-inflammatory benefits that aid muscle recovery after tough workouts.

  • Avoid sugary sports drinks unless you are an elite athlete. Their electrolyte content is comparable to coconut water with fewer calories and sugars.

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