
Embracing a Heavenly Mindset This Holiday Season

Embracing a Heavenly Mindset This Holiday Season
Embracing a Heavenly Mindset This Holiday Season

The holidays are meant to be a joyous time spent with loved ones, reflecting on the birth of Jesus Christ, and celebrating the many blessings of the past year. However, it’s easy to lose sight of the real “reason for the season” and get caught up in the hustle and bustle of parties, shopping, baking, and all the little tasks on your to-do list.

This year, make a conscious effort to keep your focus on the eternal rather than the temporal. Use this season as an opportunity to draw nearer to God, serve others, and simplify your celebrations. With a little intentionality and some practical tips, you can experience the peace and joy that comes from putting Christ at the center of your Christmas.

Refocusing Your Heart Through Spiritual Practices

The whirlwind of holiday activities can quickly distract us from maintaining a heavenly focus. Setting aside time for spiritual disciplines helps refocus your heart and mind on Jesus amidst the busyness.

Start and End Each Day in Prayer

Bookend your day with prayer. As you wake up, invite God into your day and ask Him to help you focus on bringing His kingdom here on earth. Before bed, reflect on moments you experienced God and ways you could have lived more selflessly. Maintaining this daily prayer routine keeps your connection strong amidst the hustle and bustle.

Try a Guided Advent Meditation

Meditating on the birth of Jesus puts you in a peaceful, worshipful mindset. Look for guided Advent meditations on apps like Abide or YouTube. Set the mood with candles, blankets, and soothing music. Breathe deeply as you visualize scenes from the nativity story. This practice quiets your soul, preparing you to welcome the Savior.

Do a Thematic Scripture Reading Plan

Reading Scripture trains your mind to dwell on the eternal rather than the temporal. Find an Advent reading plan that focuses on Old Testament prophecies and New Testament fulfillments related to Jesus’ birth and second coming. As you reflect on God’s faithfulness to His promises, your trust in His eternal kingdom will grow.

Serving Your Community Reflects Heaven’s Values

The hustle and bustle of the holidays often tempts us to focus inward. But reflecting the generosity and compassion of Jesus requires an outward focus. Serving others helps us remember what truly matters.

Volunteer with a Local Charity

Call your local food bank, shelter, or aid organization and ask how you can help meet tangible needs in your community this Christmas. Sorting donations, serving meals, or putting together care packages takes your eyes off yourself and allows you to honor God by serving the “least of these” (Matthew 25:45).

Get Your Family or Small Group Serving Together

Involve your loved ones in serving others this Advent season. Organize a group gift wrapping day for an angel tree, prepare holiday meals for families in transition, or go caroling at a nursing home. Serving together bonds your family or small group while keeping your focus others-centered.

Host an Advent Service Project Party

Make an impact on your community while also connecting with friends. Host a gift wrapping party for presents that will go to foster kids or throw a cookie baking bash where your creations go to first responders working on Christmas. Combining service and celebration results in deeper connections.

Reflecting Personally Helps You Stay Eternally Minded

The Christmas season provides the perfect opportunity to prayerfully consider your priorities and realign them to God’s kingdom purposes. Build in time for personal reflection to examine your heart.

Set God-Honoring Intentions

Before December begins, spend time asking God to reveal any areas of growth or change He wants to see in you this Christmas season. Make a list of 2-3 intentions to keep your focus on Christlike living. Ideas include: be more generous, get to know neighbors better, worry less. Refer back to these intentions when planning your calendar.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Carve out five minutes each evening to jot down your blessings from that day - a warm conversation with your spouse, watching your kids giggle together, a gorgeous sunrise. Gratitude keeps your perspective centered on God’s goodness rather than your own wants and needs.

Hit Pause on Commitments

The weeks leading up to Christmas fill up fast. Before committing to parties, concerts, outings, evaluate if they align with your intentions for the season or cause undue stress. Don’t be afraid to say no if something doesn’t support your purpose of focusing beyond yourself. There’s freedom in keeping your calendar simple.

Creating Intentional Family Traditions That Point to Eternal Truths

When you involve your family in traditions that reflect biblical truths, it helps cement your eternal focus. Evaluate your current traditions - do they direct your family’s eyes towards Christ or just create busyness? Consider adding these faith-centered ideas to make Christmas more heavenly focused.

Assemble a Meaningful Advent Calendar

Instead of just opening a piece of chocolate each day, use your family advent calendar to highlight eternal truths. Fill it with thoughtful scriptures, act-of-kindness ideas, ways to pray together, and stories of missionaries or persecuted believers. This daily practice centers your family’s hearts around Jesus.

Display an Empty Manger Throughout December

Set up a nativity scene but leave the manger empty all month to build eager anticipation for Jesus’ arrival on Christmas morning. Let your kids take turns placing the baby Jesus in the manger on Christmas Eve or morning. This tradition reminds families that the holiday is ultimately about Christ’s birth.

Host a Birthday Party for Jesus

On Christmas Eve or morning, gather friends and family to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and eat cake together. Discuss the ultimate gift of Christ coming to earth and have each person share one gift they’re giving Jesus (e.g. their talents, acts of service, etc.). This tradition infuses Christ’s birth with joy and gratitude.

The holiday hustle and bustle can quickly distract us from what matters most. But with intentionality and these practical tips, you and your family can focus your eyes on the heaven this Christmas. As you draw closer to Jesus through serving others, spiritual disciplines, and family discipleship, you’ll experience the profound peace, hope, and joy that this season promises. May your celebration of Christ’s birth keep you eternally minded!

Frequently Asked Questions About Creating a Backyard Bird Sanctuary

A backyard bird sanctuary provides food, water, shelter, and nesting spots to attract local and migrating birds. This environmental project brings joy while helping our feathered friends thrive. If you're considering creating an avian paradise, you likely have some questions. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about building a backyard bird sanctuary.

What are the benefits of having a backyard bird sanctuary?

Attracting birds to your yard provides multiple benefits. You'll enjoy watching birds fluttering and singing in your outdoor space. A diverse bird population also naturally reduces pests like mosquitos and ticks. Putting out bird feeders and houses gives you a relaxing wildlife viewing spot right at home. And helping sustain songbird populations supports our ecosystems.

What basic elements do birds need in a backyard sanctuary?

Food, water, shelter, and places to raise their young are essentials to attract birds. Specific birds also have unique needs, so providing diverse habitat supports more species.

What food sources attract birds?

Different birds eat seeds, fruits, nectar, suet, and insects. Having a variety of feeders with sunflower seeds, nyjer thistle, peanuts, mealworms, oranges, hummingbird nectar, and suet will appeal to the most species. Also include natural food sources like fruiting trees, shrubs, and native plants.

What are good water sources for backyard birds?

Birds need fresh water for drinking and bathing. A birdbath, water garden, or fountain provides accessible water sources. Change water frequently to prevent mosquitoes. Adding a dripper or mister provides motion that attracts birds too.

How do I provide shelter for birds in my yard?

Birds need shelter from predators and bad weather as well as places to nest. Plant a variety of trees, shrubs, and vines to create a protected habitat. Leave some brush piles or dead snags, which birds use for perching, nesting, and feeding. Also put up nesting boxes suited to birds in your region.

What's the best way to attract a variety of birds?

To increase diversity, landscape your yard with plants providing food, shelter, and nesting spots for different species. Also vary your feeders and houses to meet diverse needs. Having water sources, trees, dense bushes, open grassy areas, and natural food will help your yard appeal to more types of birds.

How can I keep birds safe from predators like cats?

Unfortunately outdoor cats kill billions of birds annually. To protect birds, keep your own cats indoors or use catios. Block access under porches and decks. Place feeders and houses at least 15 feet from hiding spots and use squirrel guards to deter climbing predators.

When is the best time to start creating my backyard bird sanctuary?

You can start a bird habitat any time of year. Fall is ideal for planting shrubs and trees so roots establish before summer. Late winter is good for cleaning out old nests and placing new houses. Whenever you begin, provide varied feeders, water, and cover right away to start attracting birds.

Creating a backyard sanctuary takes some work but provides a relaxing, rewarding payoff. Follow this advice to turn your outdoor space into a thriving habitat that nurtures local and migrating birds all year long. Let us know if you have any other questions as you work on your avian oasis!

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